You Don’t Have to Do it Alone, Be Coached
Your Guide Towards a Successful and More Fulfilling Life
Your Guide Towards a Successful and More Fulfilling Life
To find a coach and a counselor who will help you realize your personal vision, turn to Bonnie Howell Coach and Counsel, LLC. Based in St Petersburg, Florida I am here to provide you with the professional advice you need whenever your life feels as though it’s not yours or at least not the one you had in mind.
During coaching sessions, I advise my clients to look deep into their inner selves, so they may find the energy and wisdom that lies within. Working together we’ll explore your options, find a new direction more of your own choosing and then map a way to get there. I will see you in my office, through FaceTime or SKYPE, by phone or personal e-mail. The badges you see displayed such as the one here on anxiety signifies an area in which I've provided counsel on-line.
In addition, you’ll learn practical techniques to be your coach from now on; short-term intervention, long term results is my goal for every client. Given the variety of methods I’m trained and certified to provide, I‘ll guide you to a specific plan that fits your needs and personality.
Meet Dr. Bonnie Howell
My name is Dr. Bonnie Howell, and with all humility, I am a highly qualified professional life coach, spiritual counselor, consultant, and teacher. I have been listed in various Who's Who Publications and was recently named Professional of the Year by the International Biographical Center of Cambridge, England. In my coaching practice and the sum of its parts, I use this philosophy: specifically bringing the expertise of my true calling to my speaking and consulting roles, working one-on-one as a certified Integrative Life Coach and spiritual counselor. Please don't force yourself into the boxes we refer to as work life, home life, job title, career, parent, or team member. You may be all those things and more, but each title is interconnected with every other—and issues in one area will impact your life. I want to help you deal with that life the way you live it, an integrated human being, not the sum of the parts.
As someone who has chosen to be trained to deal with the many aspects of your one precious life, I am also concerned with and trained in the infinitely varied dynamics of workgroups, family groups, in short with any human construct designed to control human behavior in favor of an agreed-upon greater good.
I also am devoted to humanizing our group constructs as much as possible without losing the mission of the greater good.
Guest Speaker:
Your organization, your club, your topic.
I've spoken to Rotary Clubs, Women's Business Groups, local government, and various social and special interest groups. I've also spoken to Regional Associations and Statewide Interest groups with audiences numbering hundreds of individuals. My topics range from workplace diversity to acceptable behaviors in the workplace to team building exercises for workgroups; I've done small group presentations on parenting skills and good citizenship in all aspects of life. Compassion fatigue and anger management can be modified for more extensive group presentations. I'd love to speak to your group(s), short notice NO PROBLEM but a little notice gives you something I've done before. A lot of notice, and we can create something tailor-made for your group or organization.

I enjoy speaking to groups and would be glad to send you a list of the topics I've previously presented, or we can talk about something created specifically for your audience.


Finally, and with authority, I offer myself as your team coach—whatever that team configuration might be. I've been trained (the only one in this upstate area) in the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ the highly rated system developed by Wiley Publishing, known for their development of the DISC personality assessment and Patrick Lencioni, the best-selling author of books on leadership and team building.
With my background in healthcare leadership at the local, state, and federal levels, I've successfully consulted with medical groups of all sizes and configurations; a list of those I've worked with is available upon request. We can negotiate an hourly rate or a retainer if that level of availability is most suitable to your situation.
As a member of the International Association of Trauma Professionals, I am certified to coach compassion fatigue and anger management. I am a member of the International Coaching Federation, the Association of Counselors and Therapists, and a Life Member of the American College of Health Care Executives, to name a few.
I hold the following Certifications:
- Certified Integrative Life Coach
- Certified Compassion Fatigue Counselor
- Certified Hypnotherapist
- Certified Pastoral Counselor
- Ordained minister in the Pastoral Church of America
- Wisdom of the Heart Church.
- Certified DISC individual and Team Coach
- Certified Retirement Life Coach
- Heartmath Biofeedback™ Specialist
- Certified in Skillscan Career Driver and Express
Educational Background
I am a Bachelor's Degree holder in Organizational Behavior and in Pastoral Counseling. I earned a Master’s Degree in business administration (MBA) and in divinity (M.Div). I also hold a doctoral degree in health administration. I earned a diploma from America’s first hypnotherapy training school to become nationally accredited, by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, in Washington, D.C. The Hypnosis Motivation Institute is recognized as the best, most comprehensive training program in the country.
I have to say though my hardest and most relevant education came day by day, raised in a home with 16 other children, who were placed in our home by social services, raising three children of my own, living through a divorce, living through a brain tumor, living through my own coping strategies. However, I've scraped the bottom enough times to know it's cold, dark, and lonely. Won't ever say been there done that because each of our stories is different and yet I believe we can learn from and help one another.
Professional Experiences
I have more than 20 years of experience as the CEO of a major regional medical center, chair of a bank board, and chair of various regional, state, and national organizations. Over the course of my career I have always used the leader as coach leadership philosophy.
Mission Statement
When individuals come to me and talk about themselves as the sum of the roles they play; when they believe they have a work life, a home life, a career, what have you; I gently push them back by saying we have but one precious life, and it's impossible to have a problem in one area that then doesn't impact every other one.
Equally as paralyzing, an individual may believe they are responsible for their own life direction but don't believe they have the tools or the motivation to be their own change agent.
Sound familiar? Not uncommon in today's changing, fast-paced world, with its universal economy and a technologically dependent society, all of which can be very isolating. Bottom line, yes you have to decide for yourself what's not working and change it, dump it, or educate it--but you don't have to do it alone. My mission is to provide an avenue for change one conversation at a time. The good news is neuroscience teaches us that each of us has the power to change in fundamental ways until the day we die. We do not have our personalities handed to us at age 3, and we live with them for the rest of our lives,---two things I won't let you get away with, "I'll try" and "that's just the way I am."
My Philosophy
As Bonnie Howell Coach and Counsel, LLC, I believe that we are in control of our destinies; leaders in our lives. By training with this philosophy in mind, I have been privy to many personal breakthroughs with my clients. Just a few of those appear in the testimonials section.
Could your organization benefit?
Just a quick bow to my career-long interest in leadership and improving how we do it. My experience has been that anyone who works for someone else (and don't we all in some way), needs and wants good leadership. Seven Leadership Truths was developed with this philosophy of leadership in mind: we, who are privileged to call ourselves leaders, should always start from leading how we would like to be led, and shame on you if you never get a reality check on that by asking the people on the front lines of your organization. Have you stood shoulder to shoulder with the rest of your team (and I don't mean just your C-suite) I mean on the front lines so you will know firsthand how they are doing (and I don't mean what, I mean how) because that's the only way you'll know how your customers are doing. The rest of my leadership philosophy is now spoken of as spiritual leadership. I have spoken across the country and throughout the world on what I refer to as leadership truths. Those truths have been well received by audiences from all walks of life, all stages of personal development, and all skill levels of leadership. My work appears in a book co-authored by Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Dr. Denis Waitley entitled “Stepping Stones to Success.” If your organization could benefit from my leadership training, call me--your call will be held in confidence, and that consultation is free.
Enough about me why are you here?
I'm glad you were led here. Yes, I do mean led. I believe anyone who comes to this website comes for a reason. Welcome, even if you don't consciously know your reason for being here. Please remind me to tell you a story about why I don't believe in accidents or coincidences. To help find out why you came, try asking yourself these questions:

Are you satisfied with the direction, purpose, and fit of your life? Do you feel you’re where you want to be, at this stage, or do you often feel you should be someone or somewhere else with a different life of your choosing?
Do you know who or where you'd like to be but need help envisioning how to get there? Or can you not even feel that there’s something better for you, even though you're not happy with where you are?
Most of us fall into one of those places from time to time. I know I sure have. But if it's more than an occasional passing thought or if this state of mind often causes you to feel unhappy or unfulfilled, I want to help.
I offer a variety of coaching, counseling, and consulting services. All are aimed at helping you overcome the obstacles in your life or the issues standing between you and your goals. I specialize in focused short-term interventions and endeavor to provide tools you can use for a lifetime of self-coaching.
I promise to work with you to create a strong foundation that is solid enough to build the future you want for yourself, your family, your work team, or your organization.
They count on you; I hope you will learn to count on my skills and intention. That's what I mean when I say you don't have to do it alone. I offer personal coaching, parenting skills, family team building, career guidance, and workplace team development advice because those are the things that make up your one precious life. If you need to be reminded about how important each dear life is--do me a favor; even if it's not Christmas, watch the tear-jerking old movie "It's a Wonderful Life."

So if you see yourself running headlong into the scenario depicted in this picture, and getting there isn't, as they say, half the fun for you--let's start with some work on living In the moment. That's how and when life happens; it's not just the latest jargon. Please don't waste any time waiting for something or someone else to come along and save you with no effort on your part. This is your one precious life, and this time is all you have; don't underestimate the opportunity. At this moment, even one change can change everything. Let's work together to focus on the journey. By doing so, it's been my experience that the destination will take care of itself. Come for your free consultation, we'll get you moving again, by the way, always moving toward greater happiness not just anywhere but away from a life that's not of your choosing or no longer serving your needs. "Moving away from" will happen, but only by looking forward, not back, only by moving, not standing still. Let's enjoy the journey, and remember you don't have to do it alone, be coached.
When stress becomes our problem, violence is a severe concern for all of us, our society, and our way of life. Maybe it is for you. Overly dramatic. Who knows? However, if your stress is out of hand or anger management becomes an issue. Please....
When stress becomes our problem, violence is a severe concern for all of us, our society, and our way of life. Maybe it is for you. Overly dramatic. Who knows? However, if your stress is out of hand or anger management becomes an issue. Please....
If this is what you see on your life's highway--STOP. Even if you have to turn around first STOP. This picture depicts a road that leads to the edge of a cliff with no visible means of getting to the other side. Call me or someone to shake the GPS and get you back on the right track.

Frankly, and at the risk of repeating myself, I don’t believe that isolating artificial constructs like a personal life, a work life, a family life, or a career is a helpful coaching or counseling model. Equally errant I think, is the notion that you can be fixed by someone else to be who you want to be. However, I don't believe in victims in either sense. I don't want you to be one in your life, but I don't want you to make victims out of innocent bystanders. It is all about you. So my goal is to give you “take home” skills to secure in your toolbox. A USEFUL tools box with skills designed to allow you to be your own long-term coach in your own integrated life. So you don't become one of the statistics by using the wrong tools. I'll be gentle if you give you a chance. The latest technology is used to make change more manageable and enjoyable. Click on WHAT CLIENTS SAY to see testimonials from my clients.
For those of you who would like to see me in action before you hire me--watch the movie below--it's rated PG. Trouble loading copy and paste to your browser the address: